Wednesday, June 3, 2009
Peters fly away

Monday, January 5, 2009
The Ant Got it Right

- Keep good records
- Prepare your budget
- Start saving
- Practice tithing
- Engage contentment
Each habit is grounded in Scripture. Keep good records means know where your money comes from and where you spend it (Proverbs 27:23). Prepare your budget means plan for your spending (Proverbs 21:5). Start saving means prepare for the future (Proverbs 21:20). Practice tithing begins with giving to the church at least 10% of your income (Malachi 3:10). To engage contentment means pursing contentment (Hebrews 13:5).
The one illustration that sticks with me today is the ant. In Proverbs 6:6,8, the Bible says, "Go to the ant, you sluggard; consider its ways and be wise! It stores its provisions in summer and gathers its food at harvest."
The ant is diligent and wise preparing for the coming winter by storing food during the summer. National Geographic Kids has a great, short clip to illustrate ant power and diligence. (be sure to pause the video at the end or you'll see another clip about butterflies :).
As this new year begins, I know that God has prompted me to begin establishing a new pattern for the coming year. I need to keep better records and to stay within a budget.
Yes, even a pastor needs help. Doesn't everyone need help with finances?
Wednesday, December 31, 2008
Reflections of what God did through us

Wednesday, December 24, 2008
It's Never Too Late

Christmas in Cleveland Slavic style
Rich & Reida Barltey serve the Lord faithfully in the Slavic Village of Cleveland. Wooster Grace partners with them every Christmas to collect Christmas Boxes for distribution in the schools around Village Grace Mission Center.
Recently the city of Cleveland issued a Resolution of Appreciation for Village Grace. The resolution was certified and authorized on November 11, 2008 by the Cleveland City Council.
An exceprt from the certified copy of the resolution states, "BE IT RESOLVED, that Cleveland City Council proudly acknowledges the commitment that the Village Grace Mission Center has demonstrated in making a difference in the lives of the families in the Broadway-Slavic Village neighborhood. This Council applauds the ministry's ourstanding efforts in fostering solutions for children, youth and families in our communities throughout the City of Cleveland, and further extends best wishes to everyone involved for much continues success in the future."
Way to go, God's fully devoted followers!

That is the true essence of Christmas! Giving, not just receiving. As Christmas Day comes again, please seek to give as much or more than you receive. Anyone can do it!
Tuesday, December 23, 2008
Heavy Metal for the Lord
Matthias returned to Moundou after a couple year hiatus. He wondered if the men he had trained were practicing their craft and improving their skills. He was not disappointed.
In his own words, "What a joy it has been to see their personal, spiritual and professional development. Most have had opportunities to do internships and various jobs to practice and expand their skills (Love In Action Newsletter Vol. 8 Issue 2 [Nov-Dec 2008], pg. 1)."
Praise God for faithful men who are able to train others also (II Timothy 2:2)!
Monday, December 22, 2008
Asia's Hope Cambodia
Asia's Hope: Cambodia from Clay Productions on Vimeo.
Please check out this video from my friend, Josh Fronduti. He is an awesome videographer and unleashes his talent for the glory of God.
He took this video in Cambodia. Our church is also partnering with an orphanage in Battambang just like the one portrayed in the video above.
I can't wait to see how "our" kids grow and mature in their country as fully devoted followers of Jesus. Wooster Grace seeks to develop all people into fully devoted followers of Jesus Christ in all the nations of the world.