I helped the Kane's proceed through the day at Wooster Grace with the following schedule below that wearied me as I originally typed it. Now that I've experienced it, I was right.
A number of things confront me as I reflect on the day at Grace with the Kane's. I experienced the challenge of getting them in as many venues as possible versus letting them mingle and get reacquainted with those who attend Grace. I struggle with the demanding schedule. Yet I know that Grace comprises a whole spectrum of people; from the unchurched, first-time visitor to the absolutely churched, all-time faithful saints.
I wonder how I could harness technology to advance further and on-going exposure of what God is doing through the Kane's. I wonder how to help enhance the ABF experience to feature the Kane's. I wonder how to leverage the mission moment in the services. I wonder how to get our missionary partners into the lives and perview of the children and student ministries.
Today was about the adult ministries area. I wonder how I can harness technology to provide access to the Kane's for our young adults, students, and children.
I may record an interview with the Kane's and post the interview online or burn it for ABF distribution or post it as a podcast for future use.
What I experienced in the ABFs is community. I felt it in each one; whether the Bereans, the Truthseekers, or the Connections ABF, I sensed God's people engaged and asking very good questions. Questions like what are the barriers to the Khmer people for coming to Christ, why do you use a knife and cut up meat by hand rather than a meat grinder, or what are the giants you are facing so that we can pray for you.
Each ABF venue encouraged me greatly. The Kane's truly felt energized. Yet it was a taxing morning. Read the schedule below and give me your thoughts on what we could do better, differently, or improve. Thanks for your input.
8:00am prayer and review of any last minute adjustments in the worship center before traditional service, Be seated down front.
8:30 worship songs begin
8:37 announcements by pastor Steve, then interview
Question: Kevin and Jill Kane share with us how you are developing fully devoted followers for Jesus in your ministry in Cambodia and then one prayer request.
8:43 exit worship service for Berean ABF Room 142
8:45 share in Berean ABF (15 minutes sharing update of what you are doing, what you intend to do, prayer requests)
9:00 Return to service for sermon
9:30 During final prayer after the sermon, Jill will exit and meet me to go to the Contemporary Service. I will escort her to service and back to Truthseekers.
9:45 Sit down front
9:45 worship songs begin
9:52 announcements by pastor (Steve Traditional--Dave Lawson Contemporary), then interview with question from above.
9:58 dismiss you to exit worship service for Truthseekers ABF Room 421
10:00 Truthseekers ABF
10:55 Gather at the front of the contemporary service
11:00 Worship begins
11:09 announcements by pastor Steve, then interview
11:15 dismiss you to exit worship service for Connections ABF Room 423
Tear down projector, return to Greg Brenneman