Please keep in prayer the Plasters who are taking a missions team to Brussels, Belgium. From their blog and latest email update that I received today, I am excited for them. You can even see a short video previewing what they will be doing.

It is great to read how they are using their leverage points to advance the Gospel. Using the service ethic of young university students they have created an extended discipleship opportunity. I see a parallel to the Four14 roadtrip that is occurring on the same weekend. Although there are twenty-five going from Wooster to West Virginia and only four heading to Brussels from Paris, God's church is on mission for Him.
I wonder if you saw Kevin & Jill Kane serving in VBS today at the refreshment area talking with children and sharing God's love in a real way. They have shared how blessed they are to be from this church. They wanted to serve this week at VBS, just like they did prior to their call to go to Cambodia. Again, God's people coming to Christ, getting established in their faith, growing in service, and then staying on mission for God.
What a mighty God we serve! Amen!
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