I just returned from a trip dropping off children to Perkins Apartments on the Southside of Wooster. I heard the girls I sat near share how their favorite part of the days' events is the singing. They sang a few bars of the songs and teased me that I did not know the motions for the songs. It was a memorable day for them.
Conversely, one of our girls was feeling ill. She rested yesterday and felt good enough to come--so she came today. At the end of the day, she was tired and started feeling ill. But she made it to the end of VBS, ate her lunch, and then we took her home. Please pray for J. She would love to come back tomorrow and hear more about Jesus.
Overall, the team of volunteers and our interns did a wonderful job of serving these kids. Yes, they are rowdy just like any children, but we get to offer them a fun time at VBS and a chance to hear the Gospel and to learn more about Jesus this week. Check out how we are developing fully devoted followers for Jesus by reaching out to the children on the southside.
"I am cool ridin' da bus"

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