Today I witnessed and amazing gathering. I observed a church filled with children, students, and adults praising Jesus and excited about learning more about Jesus.
Vacation Bible School has arrived. I was so proud to see Pastor Ivanildo featured to open the day with prayer and to introduce the ICDI well-drilling video. The donations collected from the children will go to drill a well for a community in the Central African Republic where water is scarce and a high commodity. Clean water is even more precious. Most villages use unsanitary water for cooking, cleaning, and drinking. But what ICDI helps to do is to educate the community about safe water practices, hygiene, health, and responsibility. It is a great partnership we have with ICDI. I can't wait to see how much money the children donate towards the $15,000 goal.
Our summer interns, Jacob Kern & Elise Rabatin, have helped get 33 children here today from the southside of Wooster. We chatted about the bus challenges and the everyday skirmishes between kids in a neighborhood. Then they escorted me around the campus to visit with the children in their groups. Not only were the children integrated but even felt included in their groups and felt cared for by the adult and student volunteers.
We even had the opportunity to give a child from our group her first Bible. When we finally tracked down a children's bible, Elise wrote a dedication, both Jacob & Elise signed it, and then we found her in her class. Elise said that this little girls' "eyes lit up" when she saw that she got a bible as her own. May God speak to her through His Word today and everyday of her life.
photo by theogeo

In a few minutes I get to help serve lunch to them and hear how their day went. May God bring each one to Christ through our efforts. I hope to post 2 or 3 pictures later today.
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