Sunday, December 14, 2008

Second Saturdays at Wooster Grace

Our church pursues our people to be IN the community as lights of Jesus' love. We constructed a monthly outreach on Second Saturdays to get our people out into the community.

We mobilized 112 people yesterday to do acts of service and kindness: nursing home visitation where teams sang Christmas carols, presented a free Christmas ornament, and offered to pray with residents; delivered gifts and decorated trees to families of single-moms and their children as well as the physically challenged and elderly; conducted home repairs for those who could not afford repair work or who need "helping hands" to fix things for them; and moved a family into a new home on short notice.

Many stories were shared about how our people were grace in the neighborhood. I can share a couple of stories now and one later this week.

At the nursing home one lady began crying as a family entered the room where she stays. The family noticed only a couple of Christmas cards on the window sill and no notes or pictures drawn by grandkids on the walls of her room like the other residents. The lady shared how her family has forgotten her.

The family spent time with her. Talked about her life and presented her with a Christmas ornament. She immediately released tears down her face. Tissues were provided and she kept crying.

Then the caroling team entered to share a few Christmas carols with her. She kept tearing up. She soooo appreciated the visit and the caroling. She commented, "This is the best day in my life in a long time."

Way to go Wooster Grace! You are grace in the neighborhood.

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