Gathering the crowd

Discovering God's Word

Explaining the Gospel

Running the water-balloon gauntlet

"I need to pray to receive Christ!"~taken from Jon's blog, posted Mon July 28.
May God continue to help us develop all people into fully-devoted followers of Christ.
2 are scheduled for August in Wooster
Over twenty helpers, hosts, and teachers have minstered so far.
The Scottish Highlands group urgently needs one more helper, according to Linda Kline. If you know someone who could help, then please call Linda at 330-262-6787.
photo by hoyasmegan
The adult team consists of: Pastor Josh Atkins, Amber Atkins, Mike & Denise Molter, Andrew Simms.
The students on the team are: Mariah Cruise, Brett Ferrell, Erin Friday, Brett Hartman, Savannah Johnston, Nathan Kline, Michelle Landon, Ariel Larson, Evan McCory, Sara McCune, Emily Poulson, Nessa Shoup, Josh Tiano, Ellie Vandergriff, Joel Zook, Emily Ream, Aaron Richardson, Mitchell Buckwalter, Jenna Roberts, Wade Lawson, and Ellie Kauffman.
Please pray for God to allow them to galvanize team unity, to be wildly unselfish, to passionately serve the community, and to share God's love in a real way in all its forms so that fully-devoted followers of Christ emerge.