In order to try to keep up with the many and great things Wooster Grace does reaching out to others in our community and in the world, I want to add new authors who will post items, pictures, announcements, and new information for all of us to know. The new authors are the outreach team members: Pastor Ivanildo, Juana Hernandez, Jeana Harley, and Beth Sorg.
In my short time here at Wooster Grace, I see that staff communication is always an on-going challenge. So I am experimenting with an outreach blog where we can post stuff so that we can keep the staff and volunteers connected to one another and informed of what they need to know.
A few things to offer as caveats for this experiment: This blog is not a substitute for personal interaction. I hope this blog becomes a tremendous asset in adding depth and richness to our communication as well as provide investment in one another's lives and offer bearing of one another's burdens.
Likewise, I want this blog to be a bridge between other ministry areas so that the rest of the pastoral and administrative staff is current on the latest news and events in the outreach area. I hope that this blog gives us the ability to document and share knowledge in an unprecedented way.
This is still an experiment focused on the pastoral staff and administrative staff. Pastor Bob encouraged me via email for everyone of us, "Let's all try to utilize and publicize this as a tool to get information to our people about how we're touching the community!"
We are doing great things for God! Pastor Ivanildo told me that Wooster Grace is the greatest secret of ministry in our community. May all we do truly honor God! May our Lord Jesus Christ get all the glory from the posts on this blog.
Your part: Please make a comment on the blog. At the end of each post (story), you will find who posted the item and an underlined part (0 comments). Click on the comments link. Then you can "leave your comment" by typing your remarks in th space provided. You are then given the option to offer your comment as anonymous or as an online I.D. If you choose the anonymous option, then please provide a tag at the end of your typed remarks; e.g. "this is a great blog! randy m." This helps everyone join the conversation and add to the honor and glory of the Lord Jesus Christ.
Lastly, this blog is a tool--a tool to share the news of what God is doing through us to reach out to others. You are part of the story we are telling. This blog intends to capture stories, write them down, and pass them along for the encouragement of the body of Christ and to the glory of Jesus.
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