In the early days of missionary work in Africa, news came via letter and it took months. Presently, news can come via cell phone and telephone on the ground immediately (when electricity cooperates). So I was excited to hear from Africa.
Tom shared how Jim & Stephanie Fish arrived safely, jumped right into helping with the clinic and assisting in completing the project for the boys. They say thanks for the prayers. Jim & Stephanie arrived on the ground in Bangui at 5:45pm Friday, July 4 (OH time). I do not know if their luggage and packages arrived with them. I'll let you know when I find out.
Tom was able to travel north into "bandit" territory to meet with some men to teach and to train men in community awareness, family health, and spiritual growth. He was surprised and encouraged to have over 100 people attend at Bossangua (I don't think I spelled that city correctly).
He is investigating the possibility of getting a team to help prepare the well drilling project funded by the Wooster GBC VBS. He is asking for discernment as they discover if this team is possibility due to bandit activity and tenuous safety issues. Still, Tom is psyched about investigating what could be done to impact a community for the Lord.

Finally, Pastor Tom appreciates our prayers. Without the prayer of God's people, God's work is idle. I believe that we must pause to pray for God's work to be done in the CAR. May God bless our efforts to impact one community at a time where every person is developing into fully-devoted followers of Jesus, here and in the Central African Republic.
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