The junior high sent out more witnesses tonight. The group of parents, students, and team leaders gathered in the West parking lot for prayer before departing for Cleveland.
They will begin ministry on Thursday morning and go until Sunday morning after third service. Twenty-one students left with five adult leaders in four vans. All made it safe.
Village Grace is hosting our junior high team. Rich and Reida Bartley direct Village Grace. I will post a few pictures of the team departing after I ask DelAnn to download them from the digital camera.
Josh was wondering if any students were going. He shared with me how only a dozen or so signed up. But twenty-one went. He was also praying for adult leaders. Ten days ago, he had only Amber and himself. Then God prompted three adults to free up time to go. God is always working in people's lives. Pray that the team is unified, focused on serving others and not their own interests, and impact in the lives of the team and those they minister to. You can hear updates on the INFOline (330) 264-6983 ext. 723.
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