We had more people than we expected. We even met quite a few people for the first time!
The weather predictions scared us, but God answered our prayers and it was sunny and hot a good majority of the time. We got to boat, swim, hike, play outdoor sports, and even have a campfire after the short 1 hour of rain that we had for the weekend.
We had wonderful food and lots of great fellowship. We enjoyed many fun workshops such as scrap booking, knitting, gardening, birds for kids, flower pounding, science and faith, american history, soccer, cooking, and the list goes on and on!
Forty-three people attended. Thirty of them were internationals. I was very happy about the great weather. I was expecting to have to improvise and stay indoors for the majority of the retreat, but God really awed me again and gave us beautiful weather!
We were able to have the camp fire thanks to Pastor Ivanildo's hard work finding some slightly dry wood and persistence in getting it lit. Pastor Ivanildo also shared about Jesus' miracles after we enjoyed some yummy s'mores. It was wonderful to see the Internationals interested in the stories and participating in the discussions.

God tells us in the bible directly to go and share the good news about Jesus. I believe that he has brought the world to us here in Wooster with the many International families. It is an awesome opportunity to serve the Lord, share about Him with others, and to befriend and love others for His glory! Many International people will return home to there own country eventually, and if we were able to share with them and help them have a personal relationship with Jesus, then they can take that home and continue to share it with others! What a great and powerful, yet simple way to share the gospel with the world!
Wooster Grace values reaching out. "We believe that lost people matter to God and ought to matter to us!" There is no better way than to gather lost people together, to love them, to eat with them, to share stories and stuff with them, and to share Christ with them. May God plant the seeds of the Gospel in many hearts!
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