Friday, July 25, 2008

Grace in the Neighborhood

photo by yeesh23

Linda Kline shared with me an update on one of the four Neighborhood Bible Clubs being conducted this week in Wooster at the Vandergrifts.

Today is the last day. On Wednesday, forty-two kids came. On Thursday, thirty-five kids came.

With her three helpers, Linda Vandergrift was able to reach a lot of children with the Gospel through games, songs, crafts, and snacks.

Wooster Grace values equipping Christ-followers to be on-mission for God. We pray that each person in our church is redemptively involved within our communities in Wayne County. As Jesus declared, "I came to seek and to save that which was lost (Luke 19:10)." Praise God for these heroes in the faith who obey God's truth and live on-mission for Him. Way to go, Christ-followers!

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